ASPSI Fosters Sustainability Through Tree Growing Activity

In celebration of the 16th year anniversary and the commitment to fostering sustainable development and upholding corporate social responsibility, the Asian Social Project Services, Inc. (ASPSI) initiated a tree-planting activity on September 27, 2023 at BSP, Jamboree, Los Baños Laguna.
Join Our Team of Field Researchers

Are you passionate about making a positive impact? Asian Social Project Services, Inc. is expanding, and we are actively seeking dynamic individuals to join us as Survey Team Leaders.
MSME Digital Maturity and Adoption Baseline Study

The survey aims to establish the proportion of digital technology and e-commerce adopters and users to nonadopters, gauge the level of use and adoption of digital technologies
Consulting Services for the Development of Online Training Courses for Pharmacy, Nursing, and Nutrition and Dietetics Standards Manual

In general, this assignment aims to develop a comprehensive capacity-building course to cover the current skill set necessary to implement the HPFS.
Consulting Services for the Development and Implementation of Health Promotion Capacity-Building for Province and City-Wide Health Systems (PCWHS) Implementers

In general, this assignment aims to develop a comprehensive capacity-building course to cover the current skill set necessary to implement the HPFS.
Consulting Services for the Conduct of National Survey on Oral Health (Phase 1)

This study aims to conduct the phase I of a nationwide oral health survey among the WHO-defined index age groups, with focus in Luzon (excluding NCR) and Visayas, to obtain information on the current national oral health status.
Consulting Service for 4Ps Impact Evaluation Regression Discontinuity Design Survey

This study will serve as the 4th impact evaluation (IE4) of the 4Ps, which generally aims to assess whether the program is able to achieve the desired outcomes such as increased access in education, health care, and other social services to improve quality of life.
Multi-Hazard Impact Based Forecasting and Early Warning System (MH IBF EWS) for the Philippines

Resilience and Risk Perception Survey
Conduct of Survey for the Language Instruction and Transition in Education Systems (LITES)

The LITES study is aimed to provide decision makers with information on how to support foundational literacy acquisition in bilingual and multilingual outcomes in upper primary school through policy design and implementation.
ASPSI Builds Capabilities

ASPSI recognizes that capability building, the process of strengthening the knowledge, skills, and resources, of development organizations including communities is essential to be able to effectively respond to the needs of the fast-changing society that we have now.